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Hút thuốc lá có gây ung thư tiền liệt tuyến?

Written by Trần Văn Nguyên

 Hút thuốc lá không gây ra K tlt (1), nhưng có thể là yếu tố nguy cơ (2).

1.Cigarette smoking and prostate cancer: No relation with six measures of lifetime smoking habits in a large case-control study among U.S. Whites
L.H. Lumey *, B. Pittman, E.A. Zang, E.L. Wynder
Division of Epidemiology, American Health Foundation, New York, New York

*Correspondence to L.H. Lumey, Division of Epidemiology, American Health Foundation, 320 East 43rd Street, New York, NY 10017

2. Cigarette Smoking as a Predictor of Death from Prostate Cancer in 348,874 Men Screened for the Multiple Risk Factor Intervention Trial 


Đăng bởi: ycantho - Ngày đăng: 03/07/2011

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