Can thiệp cắt ruột thừa có nhiều đường:
1. Laparo 3 trocars.
2. Laparo 2 trocars.
3. Laparo 1 trocar.
1. Endo ngả miệng: Hình của Vĩnh Đạt k30 sưu tầm
2. Nội soi ngả âm đạo (bài của Duy Anh K30 sưu tầm)
ScienceDaily (Jan. 15, 2009) — Breaking new ground in what many surgeons consider the next frontier in minimally invasive surgery, Yale School of Medicine and Yale-New Haven Hospital surgeon Kurt Roberts, M.D., successfully performed an appendectomy with no abdominal incision. The appendix was removed through a small incision in the patient’s vagina.
3. Nội soi hậu môn trực tràng (HuyềnTrang sưu tầm)
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