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 Pediatric patients of leukemia usually present with anemia, periodontic bleeding or sometimes with abdominal pain or recurrent infections.

Critical ill pediatric nutrition

 Nutrition support of the critically ill, post-trauma or post-operative patient continues to develop as a clinical science in light of advances in nutrition, pharmacology and technology. Given the wide diversity...

Urinary Tract Infection in Children

Urinary tract infections (UTIs) can occur when bacteria find their way into the bladder or the kidneys. These bacteria are normally found on the skin around the anus or sometimes...

Underlying Etiologies of Prolonged Icterus in Neonates

 cterus or jaundice is an important common problem in neonatology. When this condition persists beyond 14 days, it is called prolonged or protracted neonatal icterus. Determining underlying causes of this...

Neonatal respiratory distress syndrome

 Neonatal respiratory distress syndrome (RDS) is most commonly a complication seen in premature infants. The condition makes it difficult to breathe.

Evaluation and management of the cyanotic neonate

 The infant presenting to the emergency department with cyanosis requires rapid assessment, diagnosis, and initiation of therapy. In this article, the potential challenges in recognizing cyanosis are discussed, including the...

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